3D Printers: The manufacturing technology of the future

3D Printers: The manufacturing technology of the future

What is a 3D Printer?

A 3D printer is a device that physically produces models designed or already designed on a computer. Unlike traditional manufacturing methods, 3D printers produce objects by adding material layer by layer. This process usually starts with a digital model obtained from computer-aided design (CAD) software and continues with various printer technologies. A 3D printer is a machine used to create physical objects from a digital model. The production process with a 3D printer usually includes the following steps:

Model Creation

First, a digital model is created containing the 3D information of the object to be printed. This model can be designed in a 3D modeling software or downloaded from an existing model database. The model is usually saved in file formats such as STL (Stereolithography), OBJ or AMF.


The digital model is converted into a format understandable by the 3D printer. In this process, each layer of the model is identified and the steps the printer will follow are determined. Slicing software (slicer) is used for this process.

Printing Process

The sliced model is transferred to the 3D printer. The printer creates the object by adding the material according to the selected layers. Different printer technologies and materials can be used. Here are some common types of 3D printers:

FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling): It works by melting plastic filaments such as PLA, ASA, PETG, ABS, TPU etc. and combining them layer by layer. It is the most widely used type of 3D printer.

SLA (Stereolithography): Creates objects by hardening liquid resins with a laser. It provides high precision and detail.

SLS (Selective Laser Sintering): Works by melting powdered materials with a laser to solidify them. Produces durable and complex parts.

DLP (Digital Light Processing): Similar to SLA, it is a method that hardens liquid resins. It can print faster using a digital projector.

Final Processing

After all printing processes are completed, support structures or excess materials must be removed in some types of 3D printing. Then, the production process is completed by performing finishing steps such as smoothing the surfaces and adding color.

Usage Areas of 3D Printers

- Prototyping: Used to produce fast and cost-effective prototypes during the design process. This speeds up the product development process and helps to detect errors early on through design testing.

- Medicine and Health: Used in areas such as customized dentures, dental implants and medical devices. It also produces medical tools customized to the individual needs of patients.

- Education: Used as hands-on educational tools for students to develop their design and engineering skills. It is an important tool in the creation of educational materials and projects.

- Art and Design: Artists and designers use 3D printers for original works of art, jewelry and other creative projects. This technology facilitates the creation of aesthetic and functional designs.

- Industrial Production: It is mainly used for small-scale and customized production. Instead of mass production, it offers customized and innovative solutions.

Common Problems with 3D Printers and Solutions

- Print Quality Issues: Print quality issues such as burrs, holes and uneven surfaces can usually be solved by selecting the right printer settings for the filament and selecting the right materials for the printer.

- Material Issues: The storage conditions and quality of filaments can affect print results. Make sure that the materials are dry, vacuumed and stored in the right conditions. For resins, make sure the product is original and check the expiration date.

- Temperature and Cooling: The correct temperature settings of the printer for the material used and the use of adequate cooling systems are critical for successful printing.

3D printer technologies are developing rapidly. Printers that can print in larger sizes are developing rapidly and the production of printers that provide faster printing processes is increasing. 3D printers continue to revolutionize the world of manufacturing and design. The possibilities offered by technology offer innovative solutions and opportunities for both individuals and industries.

All your needs for 3d printers to use in your innovative designs and productions are on our website filetto3d.com. You can visit our site to buy FDM printer, SLA printer, DLP printer, filament and resin at the most affordable prices. We have suggestions for beginners, initial setup and technical support services. You can contact us via chat on the website, info@filetto3d.com or whatsapp  +905306147698